Jackson started Mobile Battles when he was 14 years old, and built the business from the ground up using all his own equipment and ideas. As many boys do, he grew up playing with and collecting Nerf™ blasters of all shapes and sizes. As the collection grew in size, eventually his mom asked, "What are you going to do with all these guns?!" One day, he helped his younger brother have a Nerf birthday party by refereeing the battles and setting up homemade barriers in the basement - and his mom was so impressed with the easy party idea she paid him $20. Jackson realized he could do the same thing for other kids...and the idea for a Mobile Battles business was born!
Mobile Battles now brings Nerf battle fun to lots of kids. Since the very first party, parents and participants have been impressed with Jackson's professionalism and organization which helped the company grow mostly by word-of-mouth recommendations. Jackson created many different types of games and equipment to suit everybody and all ages and has been growing the company since its inception.
At Fairfax High School, Jackson was very involved in the DECA program, an international organization that prepares high school marketing and business students for careers in entrepreneurship, business management, hospitality and tourism. Jackson competed at the Virginia State Leadership Conference (SLC) 3 years in a row, promoting Mobile Battles with his Entrepreneur Business Growth and Business Expansion Plans, and then put those plans to work in real life in his own business. He received 1st place in his event categories 2 years in a row and then competed nationally at the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) in Atlanta, GA in 2017 and again in Anaheim, CA in 2018.
Jackson then attended the University of North Dakota majoring in Air Traffic Control, minoring in Entrepreneurship, and graduated early in December 2023. In June 2022, Jackson again impressed marketing and business professionals when he competed in a "Shark Tank"-like competition hosted by the University of North Dakota Nistler College of Business - and he took home the 1st place prize of $10,000 for his Mobile Battles business plan! Since then we have added equipment, hired more referees, established a social media presence and increased advertising. 2023 was Mobile Battles' biggest year yet and we're still growing!
Since graduating college, Jackson continues to monitor business operations, handles decision-making, unique customer requests and process improvement plans while his the day-to-day operations and scheduling are handled at home.